Client: earthYARD
Objective: In lieu of Black Friday sales, earthYARD offered customers the chance to give back by donating a portion of sales to charity.
Work: Copy for eDMs and social media posts
Instagram announcement caption:
You’ve probably seen it all over your feed, except here. Black Friday is coming up… but this year, we’re not involved.
Instead of offering discounted products, we’re offering 20% of all sales made between Friday the 26th and Monday the 29th to the @WheenBeeFoundation, @foodbankaus and @wesleymission equally.
Instead of encouraging mass spending, we want to encourage mass giving. When you shop at earthYARD this weekend you won’t be getting a discount, but you’ll be giving support to charities that give all the time. This is our little thank you.
Let’s make this weekend more about giving and less about getting discounts. Shop and give 20% automatically anywhere on earthYARD, all weekend.
eDM Copy:
Hi <name>,
Not sure if you’ve noticed, but there’s a sale or two happening because it’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend. Last year we did do a sale. But this year, in the interest of trying to do things better, we’re skipping the sales and donating to charities instead.
We feel like a weekend that champions giving is more important than one that celebrates sales. Plus there’s plenty of time for that later. For now, we want to use this weekend as a chance to give back to organisations that give all year round. And you can join us by shopping on earthYARD.
From Friday the 27th to Monday the 30th of November were donating 20% of all of our sales to the Wheen Bee Foundation, Foodbank and Wesley Mission equally. They deserve it, and here’s why:
The Wheen Bee Foundation supports research and programs that help to protect bee safety. This matters because bee pollination is key to food security and healthy environments.
In the last 12 months, 1 in 5 Aussies were food insecure and this is likely to have increased with the pandemic. The Foodbank provides food to relief organisations that distribute it nation-wide.
The Wesley Mission provides services and support to children, families and the elderly struggling with homelessness, addiction, mental health, financial or domestic challenges.
If you want to join us is supporting these causes, shop anything earthYARD and you’ll automatically give 20%. It’s a giving way to shop this weekend.